5 Ways to Make a Great Impression No Matter the Situation

Liz Lischick
3 min readApr 11, 2021
Photo is curtesy of Kyle Glenn via Unspalsh

I wanted to make a quick post listing some key points that I feel will serve you, the reader, to make one heck of a memorable impression, no matter the circumstance.

1) Handshake

***Public service announcement! Due to being in a worldwide pandemic, I strongly encourage you to do what is in your own best interest.

Anyway, I’d like to begin with a proper handshake. I put this one first because I truly feel a firm handshake is 100% underrated. I can specifically remember one summer night I was going to meet up with a hot date. When we exchanged our hellos (keep in mind this was pre-Covid) he reached out to shake my hand, and when I reached for his, my hand basically engulfed his. I’m 5 foot 2 inches, he was about 6 feet tall. I was expecting a confident and firm handshake. Yet, to my surprise, I got a meek and weak handshake. It basically felt like how a lady from the 1800s would greet a gentleman. It was not only weird, but also set the tone for the rest of the date: disastrous.

Now, it is very apparent one can go overboard and squeeze someone’s hand too hard, which will also leave a lasting impression. My three biggest tips here are to:

1) Pretend as if you are reaching for the other person’s arm

2) Make sure you are always STANDING UP when shaking someone’s hand

3) Flash your dazzling smile. I’ll touch more on the importance of a smile later.

If you live with someone, practice with them and ask for their feedback. If you live solo, test out your grip with close friends and family. Practice makes perfect!

2) Eye Contact

Ever had a conversation with someone and they could not hold eye contact with you for the entire conversation? How did you feel leaving that conversation? If the first thing you said was lack of trust, then you are correct. When you maintain eye contact with the other person you are establishing trust and it shows the other person you are paying attention. If you were heading into an interview for your dream job, wouldn’t you want to be ensuring you are holding as much eye contact as possible?

3) Dress For Success

Dressing for success doesn’t mean you have to spend every hard-earned dime in your checking or savings account. I simply mean that we live in a visual world. We pick our partners off internet dating sites based off physical looks. If you don’t like what you see, you immediately swipe right.

Did you know that it only takes three seconds for someone to decide whether they find you attractive or not? Yes, so how you chose to present yourself is a direct reflection of how you want the world to see you. Wear clothes and/or complimentary jewelry, (if appropriate) that have you leaving your home confident, powerful, and most important, happy. It is also a great way to unleash your creativity.

Imagine… you are going out with the partner of your dreams. You spend hours finding the perfect outfit, ensuring your hair is on point, and that you smell fresh and clean. Your dream date on the other hand, shows up to the date in their pajama bottoms, slippers, and a dirty t-shirt that may or may not have a Cheeto stain on it. I wouldn’t blame you if you ran to the bathroom and never returned.

P.S Struggling with your wardrobe? Not sure what to wear for the job interview or date? Please contact me because I love fashion and using my creativity to pair unusual pieces together!

4) Posture

Stand up straight! As stated by the Spine-Health website, good posture is when the ears are positioned directly above the shoulders with the chest open and shoulders back. When you slouch, the chances for increased stress on the cervical spine, hyperflexion and hyperextension, muscle overload, and hunched upper back can occur. Show the world you mean business!


Last, but certainly not least, don’t forget to smile! A smile, no matter what language you speak, is a universal warm welcome.

Please share your personal success stories, I would love to hear from you!



Liz Lischick

Howdy! I’m just a certified life coach, city girl, entrepreneur, softball junkie, and pink fantastic who lives life colorfully. www.threeriversofhope.com