From Liz Lipstick To Pittsburgh Liz with a Splash of L.A.

Liz Lischick
2 min readMar 25, 2021

For most of us, our one-year work from home, school from home, basically, everything from home has arrived. Who would have ever thought our world would be turned upside so abruptly? Who would have thought we would be here a year later? Yet, I am eternally grateful for this opportunity to be at home. As things begin opening in the States, I would like to take a moment to reflect and honor the old and new Liz. Honestly, I will even include future Liz too.

As I take a glance into the rear-view mirror, I am proud of who I have become. I pride myself on being a continuous learner and self-improver. How could I have let so many outdated mindsets, habits, and thoughts control my life and become detrimental to my personal growth?

You know, I can honestly say, Pre Covid Liz was very materialist. You could always find your girl shopping at Macy’s, QVC, online, and in store boutiques. You name it, I would rationalize a reason why I absolutely needed to buy it. Trust and believe your girl knew and silently judged you if you wore the same pair of pants two days in a row, or if you wore the same shirt the week before to work. I’m truly embarrassed by that behavior. While I am still a material girl, I’m content with the shoes and clothes I currently have in my closet. Don’t get me wrong, I still like to present myself well, and dress for success. However, I’m OK with not having the latest fashion trends. I’m perfectly content saving up money for a couple months to buy the things I absolutely must have. I guess what I am saying is, as a millennial, I finally understand the analogy, “a penny saved is a penny earned.” I’ve finally realized the importance of financial stability and success.

Now, I have so many financial goals, and I work diligently to achieve them. Trust and believe there are days when I am out and about and see something sparkly, shiny, and of course pink, and my initial reaction is that must me mine. I’m not saying I don’t live a little and buy things for myself. I’m simply taking more time to ask myself if this material item aligns with my financial goals and success. It feels so incredibly amazing to have a vision of the next 3–5 years financially!

What did Covid teach me? That I value life experiences, financial stability, and hard work over instant gratification.

Most importantly, what did the silence and sudden stop of life teach you?



Liz Lischick

Howdy! I’m just a certified life coach, city girl, entrepreneur, softball junkie, and pink fantastic who lives life colorfully.